*UPDATED 10/14/2023


Flesh Field is back! Written between March and August of 2023, "Voice of the Echo Chamber" will be available from Metropolis Records on 3 November 2023 in the US, and 17 November 2023 elsewhere. A huge thanks to Clint Carney of System Syn for the artwork and album trailer and to Ted Phelps of Imperative Reaction for the digital mastering.

1. Crescendo
2. Grievance
3. Catalyst
4. Arsenal
5. Manifesto
6. Soldier
7. Rampage
8. Reckoning
9. Contagion
10. Reset

The physical album is available for pre-order from multiple online stores.

I realize this Website is awful. It is the legacy site from the 2004-2011 era. I have not kept up with Website production over the years, and I don't have the skills to design a new one, so this will unfortunately have to do for now. Apologies.

Flesh Field's track "Uprising" from our 2004 album "Strain" opened the end credits for the Hulu original science fiction film "The Mill", released on 9 October, 2023 on Hulu in the US and Disney+ elsewhere.

*UPDATED 1/23/2011


We would like to thank everyone who contacted us to say good-bye and to wish us well. It was wonderful to hear from all of you, and we are thrilled to have had so many wonderful supporters.

Two individuals took it upon themselves to offer their time and energy without compensation to improve the final offering from Flesh Field, and we can not thank them enough for their selfless contribution.

Nathaniel of the band Pheromone in Russia and Konn Lavery in Canada each contributed their skills to help us improve the quality of the internet release of the demo/instrumental tracks from “Tyranny of the Majority.”

Nathaniel has mastered the instrumental tracks, improving the sound quality ten fold. The tracks are louder, thicker, and much cleaner.

Konn produced artwork for the album, including a cover, booklet, back tray, and compact disc design.

Konn’s explanation of the artwork:

“With the cover design I wanted the prime graphic to differ from previous Flesh Field album designs so I did some reading on the term “Tyranny of the Majority” and found images representing the term through a classic weight scale. Based on that idea, I used a clean/lots of white photograph with a weight watching scale (also similar in shape to a face watch) in it. The image also has the arrow within the “normal” range and normal is best represented by a majority ruling.

I kept the overall design black and white which places it in a timeless setting, which seemed fitting for the band Flesh Field and the album’s title.

As for the other graphical elements (technical details, and black blocks) / font choices, I wanted to keep it in similar line to the previous branding of Flesh Field to keep consistency with the albums (Primarily Belief Control, Strain and the internet EPs). The splatters were inspired by the one wall paper background on the Flesh Field site and found that the contrast of the organic splashes and mechanical tech pieces blended well to give the album differentiation from the previous album covers.”

Nathaniel and Konn: Thank you so much for all of your hard work!


Let Fall the Sentinels
The Vanguard Delusion
The Lashkar
A New Enlightenment
Untitled 1
Untitled 2


PDF format for printing

Web format (3 sizes)

UPDATED 1/1/11


It is with both sadness and heartfelt gratitude that I must announce the retirement of Flesh Field as a musical project. As explained in previous updates, collaboration between Wendy and I has proven difficult due to distance, as has finding time to devote the attention to the project that it deserves. This inability to properly focus led to the creation of tracks that I do not view as a significant progression or improvement over our past work.

That said, I have chosen to make the instrumental versions of the tracks from Tyranny of the Majority available to anyone interested, as promised in our last update. Please keep in mind that these are unmastered, so volume and sound quality is lacking.

I have not included “Swarm” or “Forgotten Trauma,” as they are available on “Dependence: Next Level Electronics Vol. 2” (Dependent Records, 2007) and “Septic VI” (Dependent Records, 2006) respectively. I have also included two untitled and unmastered instrumentals that were scrapped from Tyranny of the Majority.

I shall continue to compose music, and am considering a new project. I will keep you updated.

As promised, here are the tracks:

Let Fall the Sentinels
Note: This track was written as a tribute to the passengers on board United Flight 93, who lost their lives through the act of saving the lives of others on September 11, 2001.
The Vanguard Delusion
Note: This track was written as theme music for the gunships in the Electronic Arts game “Battlefield 2142.” The sample at the beginning is from a speech by Fred Phelps, pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church. Lyrically, this track was intended to denounce the hatred and misguided vitriol that he continues to promote to this day.
Note: This track was written as theme music for the battle-walkers in the Electronic Arts game “Battlefield 2142.”
The Lashkar
A New Enlightenment
Untitled 1
Untitled 2

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who has supported us over the years. Thank you for everything.

Special thanks are due to:
Wendy Yanko, Rian Miller, Chris Anderson and Inception Records, Dave Heckman and Metropolis Records, Alex and Johnnie and Trisol Music Group, Stefan Herwig and Dependent Records, Ian Swift, Scott Tron, Margaret Faye, Matthew Lewter, Matthias Ewald, Terry Yanko, Josh Creamer, James Stepp, Audrey Brugnerotto, Patrick Wilkshire, Triple T Tony, Alan Clapsaddle, Jim Semonik, Shawn Lower, Eric Blumrich, Tom Shear, Ted Phelps, Travis Boggs, Ion Reed, David Stallard, Ariel Wilson, Anton Maximov, Alan McClelland, Scott Campbell, Thomas Rainer, John Duncan, Nick Hunter, Michael Price, Scott Sturgis, Charles Rehill, Isaac Glendening, Cassie Fleming, Ray Epps, Drew Houlles, Anastacia Sturova, DSBP, Seba Dolimont and Side Line, all of the bands, DJs and promoters with whom we have worked, and our friends, and our families.

There are so many people due our thanks that it is difficult to include them all. Apologies to anyone we missed.

Thank you all for the great times and the memories.

As one chapter ends, a new one begins.

- Ian

*UPDATED 12/16/09


To anyone who has sent an email to the info@flesh-field.com address within the past year and has not received a response from us: Please accept our sincerest apologies. We had the flesh-field.com address set up to forward to a different address that we stopped using ages ago. We have updated the forwarding information, and we should now be able to receive and reply to email.


Ok, here's what's up....The tracks slated to be on the next Flesh Field album were written in a time period spanning mid-2006 to 2009. I am unfortunately not really happy with any of them...at all. The production is lacking, and the tracks themselves are not a progression or an improvement over our past work. Additionally, Wendy and I now live in different states, and remote collaboration hasn't been possible. Between graduate school and careers, Flesh Field has become a low priority. So low, in fact, that I am considering retiring it, but a final decision has not yet been made. Should I choose to retire it, I will (in all likelihood) continue to write music, either under a new name, or simply as a composer. Either way, tracks would probably be made available in some fashion to those who want them.

- Ian

*UPDATED 12/16/09


The music for Flesh Field's fourth full-length album has been completed, although vocals still have to be written and recorded. The tentative tracklisting is as follows:

Let Fall the Sentinels
Forgotten Trauma
The Vanguard Delusion
The Lashkar
A New Enlightenment
In Perpetuity

One or two additional tracks may be included if they can be completed within a reasonable time frame.


Flesh Field has released much of its back catalog dating back to 1999 on its Website for free. We realize many (if not all) of these tracks are available for free download elsewhere, but we figured releasing everything in one place may be a bit more convenient. Available material includes the Viral Extinction album (1999), The Redemption EP (2000), the Belief Control album (2001) as well as various compilation tracks and remixes. Some tracks could not be made available due to copyright issues. Check out the "Internet Releases" section.

We feel that we have moved beyond our old material, and hence have no desire to re-issue or re-release it in CD format or on ITunes. Yet we do recognize that there are some who are still interested in it. This is why we have made the old material available on our Website.


Flesh Field has contributed an unreleased instrumental entitled "Detritus of Reason" (written initially for Strain but cut from the album) to the "Electronic Saviors: Industrial Music to Cure Cancer" compilation, compiled by Jim Semonik.